Leo Hayes PSSC
499 Cliffe Street
December 20, 2022
Members Attending: Guests:
Randall Leavitt Chair
Meaghan Grandy
Julie Lingley
Ru Ruganda
Debbie Grillo (Teacher rep)
Siya Sharma Student Rep
Kendra Frizzell
Krista Ross
Ella Nason
Jocelyn Durrette
Saira Athar
Meeting called to order at 6:05pm
Introductions, student rep
Accept agenda with addition of career addition under new business
- Moved by Ru, 2nd Julie *motion passed
Acceptance of the minutes as distributed
- Moved by Meghan second by Ru *motion passed
Unfinished business:
- Ru gave update on the Financial literacy component and options. Discussion on how/when is best to get info out. Decided that tentative for Spring (March 23 or April 13th), will put details together in January and coordinate a meeting between presenter and those engaged at school level; sort out details and best fit. Currently suggested 1 hour presentation for parents with a 2 hour session for the students. Potential for cross school collaboration or connections.
- Subcommittee for Mindfulness/mental health support/initiatives still pulling together resources and will report in January with potential initiatives.
New business:
- Kendra shared the principalsβ report;
Discussion on Highschool renewal program and how it would work as well as staggered introduction and possible benefits for students and career paths. It will provide more flexible and fine-tuned pathways towards achieving credits for the students. Slowly transitioning to 2025/26 school year. Student rep and teacher rep both see potential and as a positive. General consensus from parents as well. Things to note; unclear how it would be applied to those with learning challenges, not yet compatible with Power School structure. Also is there a more defined path in regard to college pathway vs university pathway. More details to come as progress is made.
- New support formula has us down in EAs (33 for 21/22 year versus 28 current year, Kendra has indicated that a revisit of formula has gained us 2 additional EA staff and that it can be reassessed in the new year if there is a need to. No action by PSSC needed at this time.
- No update with SIP at this time.
- Reminder of budget timeline for the PSSC, targeting January/February to have allocated and ready to be spent by March.
- Randall shared some information about upcoming DEC meetings (Jan 26th, Fredericton Inn) as well as challenges trying to connect with other PSSC chairs in the district.
Motion to adjourn the meeting with next meeting set for January 17th at 6pm.
Moved by Meghan second by Ru β *motion passed
End 6:45
Minutes taken, Randall L.