November 15th, 2022

Members Attending:                                                             Guests:

Randall Leavitt            Chair                                                  

Meaghan Grandy       

Krista Ross

Ella Nason

Jocelyn Durrette

Julie Lingley

Debbie Grillo (Teacher rep)

Saira Athar

Simone Dickeson Student Rep


Kendra Frizzell


Ru Ruganda

Meeting called to order at 6:05pm

Introductions of new and returning members,

Accept agenda with addition of career addition under new business

  • Moved by Saira, second by Jocelyn *motion passed

Acceptance of the minutes as distributed (email)

  • Moved by Meghan second by Julie *motion passed

Unfinished business:

  • Discussion on increasing financial literacy component for the students. Ru submitted that a subcommittee be formed to gather resources and option to bring back for consideration/implementation. Ru will take lead, Randall will work with him, and Jocelyn has offered to be a resource, specifically for the CPA in Communities program.
  • Mindfulness/mental health support/initiatives. As discussed previously, there is a dire need to add support and understanding to this component of student’s learning. It would be enhanced with communication with parents, a way to bring better understanding and tools to help support the students at home. Further discussion on various means and resources to do so. Saira will take the lead on this subcommittee, with assistance and support from Randall and Tracy Gatto (guidance). The goal is to bring back information to package and pass onto parents.
  • Ongoing search to find community partners for work experience/co-op programs. No finalised leads currently.
  • PSSC members discuss connecting with other PSSC’s to feel out what goals and directions they are prioritizing.

New business:

  • Sub committees are framed up and others are welcome to join.

The PSSC budget for the year is set at $4,764.55

  • Kendra shared the principals’ report;
  • New support formula has us down in EAs (33 for 21/22 year versus 28 current year, this is after the request for additional support which after 26 was originally allocated). Our current student body is up to approximately 1,600 a significant increase with students needing English Language supports.  MCAF has been a great help in linking their members with those in need for translation. Appreciated but more support from district and department is deemed in need by PSSC.

PBIS (Positive Behaviour Intervention) – top 3 issues currently are Vaping (specifically in bathrooms), Loitering and unjustified absenteeism. The in house Social worker is targeting the absenteeism and providing bridging support.

SIP (School Improvement Plan); 3 main goals are set out in the “living document”, the first is to increase from 26.8% the student feeling of having at least 1 adult at school they can connect with. Second goal is to have staff and students know/be aware of the school’s vison and mission. The lead is from administrative by using cuing questions such as “Does this (request) align with our vision and mission?”. The third goal is to increase data measuring inclusiveness and emotional safety within the school.

Leo Hayes Vision: LHHS is an inclusive  community of learners committed to building relationships, valuing wellness and igniting curiosity.

Brief introduction of “One at a time Therapy” (OATT), 506-453-2132. Their focus is on needs assessment and directing people to the right resource. This would be a great resource to add to the mindfulness/mental health component to be shared with parents.

  • Further discussion on mental health week (May) with some great insights given by Simone. Potential for crating “mental health moments” (youtube format for easy plug in for the announcements.

Motion to adjourn the meeting with next meeting set for December 20th 6pm.

Moved by Krista second by Meghan – *motion passed

End 7:20

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