Safe Grad has put together an Extravaganza Basket full of products from over 20 local businesses, and you have the chance to win it! This basket is valued at over $1000, containing anything you can think of: coffee, treats, jewelry, self-care, home decor, gift certificates, candles, clothing and more- all locally made! Some of these items include a Ron Léger original watercolour painting valued at $500, a Capital Dental teeth whitening package valued at $350, and a Sweet Suds Bath Bakery bundle valued at over $100. Tickets will be available on cashless schools and will also be sent home with Grads on the 1st of May. They will be sold for $5 each, or 3 for $10. Sales will close on Sunday May 14th at midnight on cashless schools, and the deadline for submission of physical tickets will be Monday the 15th of May. The winner will be drawn and contacted on Wednesday, May 17th. We thank you in advance for your support of our Grads, this fundraiser helps us make Safe Grad possible!​

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