Any students in grade 12 wanting to take the French Oral Proficiency Interview should reach out to Mme LeBlanc in A227. Interviews will take place in November, but students must...
A recent notice from the Medical Officer of Health for New Brunswick highlighted a rise in pertussis (whooping cough) cases in the province. The notice included guidance on who should...
We would love to have your help. We have many students who really benefit from our Feed the Lions program. We are raising funds for the Feed the Lions Program...
We are really excited to see the registrations starting to roll in for our Fall Open House and I come with you today with even more exciting news! Are any...
The University of New Brunswickβs Faculty of Nursing is excited to announce important updates to the bachelor of nursing application process at our Fredericton, Saint John and Moncton campuses β...
Date: October 10, 2024 Time: 8pm-10pm What To Bring: Chair, Blankets, roasting stick, Guitar What to expect: Smores, hotdogs, water, music, and a great time hanging out with your friends!...
Our Sport & Rec Leadership 120 Class has been hard at work planning and organizing the details for our LHHS 2024 Terry Fox Day. Our Goal this year is to raise $1500 as a...
To apply to be the Grade 9 student representative on the SRC, apply here: The application is open until the end of day on Wednesday (4:00PM)