Please use the attached form for your child to have technology use at Leo Hayes High School:

The New Brunswick Department of Education

Student Use of Computer, Computer Related Technology and Network
Acceptable Use General Guidelines

By accepting the use of the School District’s computers, computer related resources and the network, the student and his/her parent/guardian agree to abide by the rules set out by the Department of Education, the District, the School and the Teachers.   This is a summary of the Acceptable Use Policy, a full text version of Acceptable Use Policy 311 can be viewed online at or by contacting your child’s school for a paper version.

Students and parents/guardians should carefully read and discuss pages 1 and 2 of the acceptable use agreement.  Both students and parents must sign and return page 3 of the document before access to computers, computer related resources and the network will be provided.

The Department of Education maintains:

  • that technology is an important part of a 21st Century education and acknowledges it is an essential tool for both teaching and learning;

  •  that providing greater access to computers and computer related resources will enhance student learning, support innovation and better prepare graduates for the workplace;

  • students should use school district provided computers and related resources for their school work, and must do so in a safe and responsible way;

  • student access to a wealth of online resources will enrich learning opportunities and encourage greater global collaboration;
  • student use of school district computers and other technology is a privilege, not a right and understands that any privilege can be taken away;

  • parents and guardians have an important role to play in ensuring their children use the school district’s computers safely and responsibly; 

  • and reserves the right to monitor and inspect at any time, and without prior notice, any and all usage of school district computers (desktops/laptops/netbooks).

The New Brunswick Student with the knowledge of his/her Parent/Guardian agrees to:

  1.  avoid all activities, as well as any actions that go against the Department of Education Policy 311 Acceptable Use of ICT;

  2. respect other individuals, their personal privacy, and to not communicate personal information about another person;

  3. not to divulge personal information about themselves to unknown sources on the internet without parental permission;

  4. not to download or publish offensive, defamatory, discriminatory, hateful, violent, indecent or racist words or images;

  5. not to use the computer equipment for advertising, propaganda, harassment or threats;
  • respect copyright and to avoid plagiarism and pirating activities, such as the illegal reproduction of music, games, software and files;

  • respect security measures established by the Department of Education/District and to respect the privacy of access codes and passwords and to avoid learning or using another person’s access code and password;

  • avoid any actions that may introduce or spread viruses, and that would cause the unauthorized alteration or destruction of data and files;

  • while at school to avoid excessive or unnecessary personal use of computer resources, particularly the storage of unused information, using the Internet to listen to the radio or watch a television program, participation in discussion and chat groups, or the unauthorized use of Internet games not related to his/her learning;

It is understood that failure to follow rules will result in sanctions being imposed against the student, including the loss of access to computer (desktop/laptop/netbook) equipment privileges and suspension or expulsion, depending on the seriousness of the actions.

Acceptable Use Agreement


I understand that when using school computers (desktops/laptops/netbooks), computer-related technology and software, I must follow the rules outlined in the Department of Education Policy 311 Acceptable Use Agreement.  This policy is available on line at

I understand my responsibilities with regard to using computer equipment (desktops/laptops/netbooks) made available to me, and I am committed to the promises listed above.

I understand that if I do not follow the rules in this Agreement I may lose my  computer privileges and face additional discipline and other appropriate action by the school or school district.

Student’s Name Date

Parent or Guardian:

As a parent or guardian, I have read and explained the school’s computer and Internet rules to my child, and I authorize him or her to use those resources at school and at home. I am confident that he/she understands the agreement.

I understand that a failure to respect the rules may result in his or her loss of access privileges as well as disciplinary sanctions.

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